Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to You

Look out world, here I come!

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday dear Knox, Happy Birthday to you!
Few Facts about the Birthday Boy:
1. At 1 year old, I can:
crawl, stand up, dance, play pat a cake, make elephant and duck sounds, say daddy, momma, grammy, pap, nana, papa, Lucy, Beau, all done, macoroni, yeh, Love you, hi, bye bye, and the occasional random word like Hayden, baby, texas.
2. My favorite foods are: green peas, mac n cheese, grapes, cheddar cheese, bread, blue berries, peantu butter (is it sad that he's already had that?!), corn, Clifford Cereal.
3. Activities include: banging on stuff, trying to stick fingers in light sockets, eating dog food, trying to climb stairs, putting small objects in my mouth, yelling for Lucy, patting Beau on the back, putting my food in my hair, crawling, crawling crawling.
4. Popular Nicknames: Knoxer, Knoxer Doxer, Knoxer Man, Knoxy, Brother Man, Brother Bear, Buddy Boy, baby, sweet muffin.
5. My favorite toys are: my loveys, the remote, balls, anything of Lucy's that makes noise.
6. I smile constantly.
And lets pay homage to the one who let you into this world, little buddy! Don't you forget it, either!

1 comment:

kaycee said...

Cant believe a year old already!! Happy birthday lil Knox